Sunday, August 10, 2008

Standardized Choropleth Map

A Standardized Choropleth map illustrates data that has been areally averaged. The shadings in this map show how many people there are per square kilometer worldwide.

Lorenz Curve

A Lorenz Curve is a type of a graph. It plots all of the variable against the frequency of the distribution of the variable.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

This is a Parallel Coordinate Graph. It represents multiple variables analyzed from the minimum to the maximum. They are useful in scientific uses such as meteorology and medical research.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Index Value Plot

This index value plot depicts the average streamflow index for eight years for the United States. Being graphed along the normal range shows the fluctuation for the streamflow variable.

Population Profile Map

A Population Profile is a type of map that shows the change of demographics over years. It may look like a histogram, but it can have breaks between the data. It also shows multiple variables, such as men and women.


A Climagraph is a map graph that charts temperature and precipitation from month to month. This climagraph records a full year's data for Walgett, Australia. We can determine that the driest month was July.


The image to the left is a mental map I had when I first thought of the word Windrose. Beautiful as it is, it is not able to tell the wind speed or wind direction for a specific location. The one above is able to do that!